Sustainability | SEAQUAL | Big Save
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Together with SEAQUAL, we are working towards a cleaner ocean. We’re helping to clean it up with our Pacific and Atlantic Beds.

Worldwide, there are a growing number of ocean clean-ups working hard to retrieve marine litter from our oceans, beaches, rivers and estuaries. Because mixed waste is expensive to recycle, in the past much of this waste was destined to landfill or incineration. SEAQUAL is dedicated to giving a second life to this material. At SEAQUAL they don’t look for materials to recycle, they upcycle the materials they find into high quality products, like the high quality textiles that is used in our Atlantic and Pacific Beds. SEAQUAL yarn contains approximately 10% Upcycled Marine Plastic and 90% post-consumer plastic from land sources, this process has a lower carbon footprint.

Today, they have transformed 99 tons of marine litter into upcycled Marine Plastic.

In choosing products containing Upcycled Marine Plastic you are helping to end plastic pollution.

For more information on SEAQUAL head over to